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Farmers for Climate Action - New Zero Plan
14 March 2020

NSW releases roadmap with a destination

Farmers have welcomed the release of the NSW Government’s ‘Net Zero Plan: 2020-2030’, labelling it a roadmap with a destination.

Farmers for Climate Action spokesperson Verity Morgan-Schmidt said: “We congratulate the NSW government on this plan which will help NSW manage the risks and opportunities ahead, as they travel towards net zero emissions by 2050.

“As a society, we’re demonstrating our ability to respond quickly to severe challenges as we deal with the unfolding coronavirus crisis. Yet our response to climate change has been similar to a frog in slowly boiling water. The NSW Government is showing strong leadership on climate change; other political leaders would do well to follow its example.

“We welcome Minister Matt Kean’s assurance that this Plan should not be seen as the final word on emissions reduction between 2020 and 2030, but a foundation on which we will build.

“Farmers are committed to being part of the solution to climate change and, despite the extended drought, are already implementing climate solutions on-farm and calling for greater action beyond the farm gate. We’re keen to hear more about the Primary Industries Productivity and Abatement Program included under the 2020-2030 plan, and other ways the land sector can play a role in helping the state achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Breeza farmer and Farmers for Climate Action supporter John Hamparsum said: “Climate change is a serious risk, and farmers are already responding. I’ve installed 143kw of solar on my farm, and I’m looking to do more.

“It’s great to see the NSW government’s commitment to supporting climate solutions in rural and regional NSW, including the ‘fast-tracking’ of the Dubbo Renewable Energy Zone.

“The release of this Plan clearly demonstrates that climate change does not have to be a party political issue. Farmers are incredibly frustrated with the divisive political rhetoric which has delayed our ability to proactively manage the risks and opportunity of a changing climate. The release of this plan finally shows conservative Australian governments can move forward in a positive way.

“This Plan provides long overdue leadership to industries, including agriculture, and I commend Minister Kean for such an important step forward.”

Farmers for Climate Action is a movement of farmers, agricultural leaders and rural Australians working to ensure that farmers, who are on the frontlines of climate change are part of its solution.


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Media contacts:
Fiona Davis, [email protected], 0434 505 188