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Our campaigns aim to put climate change and agriculture at the forefront of government policy

FCA Member Yarn

FCA Member Yarn

Your chance to shape the future of Australian agriculture

Your chance to shape the future of Australian agriculture

Some of our past campaigns

We want more electric utes in Australia

We want more electric utes in Australia

Polluters are putting our livelihoods at risk

Polluters are putting our livelihoods at risk

Open Letter

Let’s make Victoria a climate leader

Let’s make Victoria a climate leader

Have your say

Have your say

National climate change and agriculture policy

Tell the government to stop subsidising coal and gas companies and support our farmers

Tell the government to stop subsidising coal and gas companies and support our farmers

Sign the petition

Join our call to protect our food supply

Join our call to protect our food supply

Standing up for rural Australia means standing up for action on climate change

Standing up for rural Australia means standing up for action on climate change

Tell the Prime Minister to commit to climate action

Tell the Prime Minister to commit to climate action

Regional Horizons

Regional Horizons


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