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Climate Smart Farming Toolkit

Farmers are stewards of the land and manage it carefully. As an industry, agriculture is facing increasing challenges due to extreme weather like, flooding, bushfire, drought and extreme heat.

In many cases, farmers and peak bodies are already well progressed on the road to climate resilience and emissions reduction. To keep farming forever, farmers need access to tools and resources which will help make sure their business and our industry can thrive in the face of continued climate challenges.

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explore our climate-smart toolkit

FCA has collated and organised the Climate Smart Farming Toolkit to support farmers. The Toolkit contains useful resources and information to help farmers maintain their knowledge on climate-related challenges, build on work farmers are already doing, or get started on implementing Climate Smart farming practices. Climate Smart farming is not just about emissions accounting and reduction, but can also build wider ecological resilience, improve soils, and increase productivity.

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  • See All
  • Where to start
  • Regenerative Agriculture
  • Carbon Markets
  • Climate jargon explained
  • Formal Learning Opportunities
  • International Agreements
  • Nature Repair Markets
  • Reducing Emissions
  • Reducing Farm Energy Demand
  • Renewables
  • Scope 1,2 and 3?
  • Soils
Agriculture, Climate Change, and the Global Context
Agriculture, Climate Change, and the Global Context

The science is settled – climate change is happening now, and there are things we can do to mitigate its impact.

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Climate Impacts on Farming
Climate Impacts on Farming

Climate change will impact on farm productivity and profitability, insurance and banking, and potentially require new reporting.

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Getting Started On Your Farm
Getting Started On Your Farm

There’s no single approach to managing climate impacts or reducing emissions on-farm – each farming business is unique, with different needs, environmental impacts and sustainability goals.

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Reducing Emissions On Farm
Reducing Emissions On Farm

Reducing on-farm emissions is a complex task, so we’ve broken it down into 6 steps.

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Farm Baselining, Emissions Calculators And Natural Capital
Farm Baselining, Emissions Calculators And Natural Capital

Step one in taking on-farm climate action is to work out your emissions baseline, or carbon footprint.

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Renewables on farm
Renewables on farm

Adding renewables can help keep down energy costs on-farm, improve the reliability of your electricity service, and reduce carbon emissions.

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Building Resilience: Sustainable and Regenerative Land Management
Building Resilience: Sustainable and Regenerative Land Management

Building resilience in your farming system can help your farm thrive in the face of climate challenges.

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Carbon Markets
Carbon Markets

Carbon markets can offer opportunities and returns for farmers, but there are risks and trade-offs that you should consider in the context of your own farming business.

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Nature Repair Market
Nature Repair Market

A newly announced Nature Repair Market could provide opportunities for farmers to invest in environmental projects on farms.

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Climate-Smart Agriculture Toolkit
Glossary of Climate Terms

Climate Change Authority

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Still not sure where to start?

FCA’s own materials are a good place to start, so check out our reports and video webinars to see if there is the topic you’re interested in is already covered. These webinars, and reports, have been developed in collaboration with experts and are uniquely farmer-focused.

Many farmers have already embarked on a journey to understand and reduce their on-farm
emissions and build their climate resilience. You can find some of their stories here.

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