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Agriculture, Climate Change, and the Global Context

The science is settled – climate change is happening now, and there are things we can do to mitigate its impact.

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There are a lot of good resources available to help you sort fact from fiction on the science of climate change, including great explanatory resources by topic from ABARES and the United Nations, and ‘mythbusting’ from the Conversation and the Australian Academy of Science.

For almost 30 years, governments around the world have committed to working together to reduce global emissions. The main way governments coordinate these efforts is through the ‘Paris Agreement’ (which has taken over from the ‘Kyoto Protocol’). The Paris Agreement calls on all countries to reduce their emissions with the goals of preventing the global average temperature from rising more than 2°C above pre industrial levels and pursuing efforts to keep temperature rise below 1.5°C.

Currently, 195 countries have ratified the Paris Agreement, including Australia and all of our major trading partners. A UN Climate Change Conference has been held every year since 1997 to bring parties together to progress work on agreements and targets. The latest was held across November and December 2023 in Dubai.

Do you know of a useful resource?

This toolkit isn’t exhaustive and FCA will be adding more resources over time – if you know of another great resource that should be added please send in your suggestions to [email protected] with subject “CSFT Suggestion”.

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