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Nature Repair Market

A newly announced Nature Repair Market could provide opportunities for farmers to invest in environmental projects on farms.

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Nature Repair Market

In late-2023, the Australian Parliament passed legislation to establish a Nature Repair Market. This established the framework for a national voluntary biodiversity market. The aim of this new market is to provide a way for companies and businesses to voluntarily invest in environmental projects across Australia. There may be significant opportunities for farmers, depending on the final design of the scheme.

The new scheme will be implemented by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER), an independent statutory authority which also administers the Australian carbon market. The CER will be responsible for:

  • assessing applications to register, vary or cancel projects
  • ​​​issuing biodiversity certificates
  • performing ongoing assurance, monitoring and compliance activities
  • maintaining the public register of biodiversity projects and certificates
  • publishing scheme information and education activities to support the market

The market is anticipated to have specific ‘Methods’, similar to the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme (ACCU Scheme), that outline the rules for eligible projects.

FCA will provide more information as the new market is developed.

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