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Thanks for signing Karrinjeet’s petition calling on the Prime Minister to commit to climate action at the G7 Summit.


Can you chip in now to help ensure that our political leaders understand that farmers like Karrinjeet want them to champion climate solutions?


In the petition, Karrinjeet said she is “worried about what it will mean for our farm, and for thousands of other farmers like us, if we don’t take urgent action on climate change… Without action to curb emissions, this is only going to get worse – making farming more difficult and costing us money.”


We need to get serious on climate action. Your donation will help get farmers in front of politicians and the media calling for a positive, ambitious climate vision from our political leaders.


To make a donation, choose an amount that works for you and enter your details into the donations form.

To donate via bank transfer, please follow the instructions below.


To make a donation via bank transfer:

Please label the donation with the prefix FCA followed by your name (e.g. FCASarahSmith) and make the transfer to the bank account details below.

Farmers for Climate Action Gift Fund
BSB: 633 00
Account number: 183214436

Please send an email to [email protected] letting us know you have made the donation so a receipt can be issued.


Donations over $2 are tax deductible.


Any questions please contact James at [email protected].


All amounts are in AUD unless otherwise specified.

The form is not published.

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