Over the weekend Nationals leader Michael McCormack suggested that agriculture could be excluded from our 2050 net zero emissions target, declaring that he is “not worried about what might happen in 30 years’ time”.
It seems Mr McCormack’s missed all of the 2030 emissions targets that the various agricultural sectors have been making AND the National Farmers’ Federation’s 2050 economy-wide target.
You know and we know that Australian agriculture – and the economy more broadly – stands to benefit from the transition to a low carbon economy. And that we can’t afford the price of inaction.
In fact, we support a net zero emissions by 2030 target for agriculture as we’re already well on the way.
We need to send a strong message to our federal leaders that farmers support strong, immediate action on climate change and that includes agriculture being included in any economy-wide net zero emissions target.
Here’s what you can do:
- Take a selfie (on your farm if you can) with a message for the Prime Minister and Mr McCormack stating your support for a strong emissions target that includes agriculture. Include the hashtag #NetZeroFarming and post it to your socials (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) tagging PM Morrison, Nationals Leader McCormack and Farmers for Climate Action.
- Complete the survey on this page letting us know why you care about climate action. Your responses will help shape our campaign work in 2021 and will help set the record straight that farming and rural communities want action on climate change.