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Our focus

Right now our farmers are more important than ever. In a rapidly-changing world, we need them to keep doing what they do best – feeding and clothing Australia and the world (supply chain permitting). We’re here to support them in whatever way we can.

Our commitment to our work – ensuring that farmers have the policy framework and the tools they need to adapt and mitigate climate change – has never been greater. We have four areas of focus right now, which we’ll share more details about soon. These are:

  1. Building farmer knowledge and skills: We’re working to expand our online offering and adapting many of our planned events, resources, farmer education and mobilisation activities to digital formats. (Are you a farmer? Please tell us more about what you need right now by completing a short survey)
  2. Regional resilience: When governments shift their focus to recovery, large amounts of stimulus investment will flow to the regions. We’re planning how to best direct that funding towards building sustainable and profitable regional communities.
  3. Policy framework:  We’re working to ensure that our farmers have the tools and policy framework they need to continue producing food and fibre in a changing climate, and that when Parliament resumes later this year, we’re in the best place possible to see a policy framework for a National Strategy for a Climate Change and Agriculture supported.
  4. Digital outreach: We’re keeping in touch with our farmers, and our industry and education partners virtually, and are ensuring our politicians continue to hear from us, directly and via the media.

How our supporters can help

If you have the capacity, we’d love your support. There are a number of ways you can support our work now:

  • Make a donation today so we can keep supporting farmers, even with the spread of COVID-19
  • Email your MP letting them know that you want to see action on climate change
  • Email us if you’d like to volunteer or want to know how else you can help

Useful resources

We know it’s a tough time for everyone, so we have put together a list of helpful resources if you need.

COVID-19 and agriculture
Implementing COVID-19 isolation, social distancing and hygiene measures on-farm
Finding out about governmental assistance
Physical and mental health services
Looking after the kids

If you get stuck, contact us and we’ll do whatever we can. We may not immediately have the answers for you, but rest assured, we’ll do all we can to find them. While our farmers are busy showing Australia the Australian community that we’ve got their backs.

Fiona and the rest of the FCA team