Thursday, 14 October 2021 at 11am (AEDT)



Zoom Meeting
details will be sent following RSVP.



Fiona Davis

Join us for Farmers for Climate Action’s online Annual General Meeting, on Thursday, 14 October 2021 via Zoom at 11am AEDT.  


We’ll reflect on our achievements over the past 12 months, share our plans for the next year and elect the board of directors. 


It’s been another busy, challenging but hopeful year for our organisation as we have expanded our supporter base and reach. Farmers for Climate Action has continued to build farmer voices right across Australia as champions for action on climate change. We’ve grown our networks and our influence, shared knowledge and know-how in our climate-smart agriculture fellowships and webinars, trained farmers as media spokespeople and advocates, and engaged closely with industry to be at the forefront of climate solutions.  


Guest Speaker

Journalist Gabrielle Chan will join us to discuss her new book, “Why you should give a f*ck about farming” and hear her insights on the role Farmers for Climate Action plays in bringing farmer voices to the national conversation. 


Nature of business to be discussed

The following items are to be discussed:

  • Consideration of financial reports
  • Election and appointment of directors
  • Appointment of and determination of remuneration for Auditors


Voting rights

Please note, as per Clause 33.1 and Clause 33.2, voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are as follows:


33.1 subject to law, each Full Member is entitled to cast one vote to elect directors under clause 93 and is otherwise entitled to vote as permitted by this constitution and by law

33.2 no Ordinary Member is entitled to cast any vote to elect Directors under clause 93 (and any vote purportedly cast by an Ordinary member for this purpose is invalid) but, subject to law, each Ordinary member is otherwise entitled to vote as permitted by this constitution



We have set up key documents ahead of our AGM which currently contains:

  • Proxy nomination form. If you cannot attend, you are able to appoint a proxy. Please return by 11am Tuesday 12 October to info@farmersforclimateaction.org.au
  • 2021 Annual General Meeting Agenda
  • Financial Statement FY 20/21
  • 2020 Annual General Meeting Minutes
Proxy Form
2021 AGM Agenda
Financial Statement FY 2020/2021
2020 AGM minutes

Guest Speaker

Gabrielle Chan

Gabrielle Chan has been a journalist for more than 30 years. She is currently the Rural & Regional editor at Guardian Australia, where she’s also been a political journalist and live blogger since 2013. Prior to that she worked at The Australian, ABC radio, The Daily Telegraph, in local newspapers and politics. Gabrielle has written and edited history books, biographies and even a recipe book.


The daughter of a Singaporean migrant, Gabrielle moved from the Canberra press gallery to marry a sheep and wheat farmer in 1996 – the year Pauline Hanson was first elected to federal parliament. She noticed the economic and cultural divide between the city and the country, the differences in political culture and yawning gap between the parliament and small town life.


In 2018 her book Rusted Off: Why country Australia is fed up was published. In that book Gabrielle draws conclusions about the current state of our rural political representation, the gap between city and country and how to bridge it.


And in 2021 she has published a further book, Why you should give a f*ck about farming. In this book she examines the past, present and future of farming. She lays out how our nation, its leaders, farmers and eaters can usher in new ways for us to work and live on our unique and precious land.