On the 21st August 2018, Farmers for Climate Action convened a meeting of participants from production groups around Australia to explore the required actions to address the various stages of drought within the context of a changing climate. The meeting was informed by scientific expertise from the Primary Industries Climate Challenges Centre (Professor Richard Eckard) and facilitated by the Australian Farm Institute.

Participants included the Birchip Cropping Group, Namoi Water, Farm Link NSW, Grower Group Alliance (WA), Gillamii Centre (WA) and independent representatives from the Liverpool Plains and Southern Queensland.

The summary of key recommendations can be found here: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/farmersforclimateaction/pages/1269/attachments/original/1540928166/Drought_Recommendations_FCA.pdf?1540928166
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