The market for environmental services is growing across Australia as businesses move to be more sustainable. More and more farmers are interested in becoming engaged. But how can farmers access these markets? What environmental services can farmers be paid for?
In Part 1 we looked at understanding environmental markets, how they work and what farmers can sell. In Part 2 we will turn our attention to how farmers can engage in these markets in a way that puts farmers at the forefront of the process.
Join us to hear from Andrew Ward and Rohan Clarke, the key catalysers that have been leading the team developing the Regen Farmers Mutual. They have led the co-creation process that saw farmers collectively plan the founding of a farmer-owned broker that will assist farmers access all types of Environmental Markets. The have specialist expertise in holistic/regenerative agriculture, environmental/financial markets, and in cooperatives and mutuals.
Interested in getting involved? Find your local farmer network or join the Regen Farmers Mutual Social Learning Facebook Group. The groups have no cost to join and have no obligation to group members. They are a way to help farmers aggregate around specific environmental goods and services transactions.
Catch up on Part 1 here.

Andrew Ward
Andrew Ward is a Director of Regen Farmers Mutual. He is also CEO of Ethical Fields a consultancy specialising in community ownership, Treasurer of the New Economy Network of Australia, Director of incubator coop and Hen House coop.

Rohan Clarke
Rohan Clarke is a Director of Regen Farmers Mutual. He also is Conservation Advisor to Trust for Nature, Treasurer of, and Director of the regenerative tourism platform,