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10 August 2023

Farmers welcome draft rule changes for transmission projects

Farmers for Climate Action has welcomed draft rule changes dealing with how transmission companies interact with farmers.

Farmers for Climate Action, representing 8000 farmers across Australia, has long argued transmission companies need to engage early, respectfully and fairly with farmers, and is pleased early stakeholder engagement and community consultation now finally seems set to become a requirement.

The draft rules from the Australian Energy Market Commission were requested by Minister Bowen in April and released today.

Farmers for Climate Action Strategy Director Kitty Walker said the changes would help reign in cowboy operations who treated farmers poorly and set a standard all transmission companies could abide by.

“A few bad apples can’t be allowed to spoil it for everyone,” Ms Walker said.

“The average Australian farmer is already losing more than $30,000 a year because of climate change, and climate-driven fires, floods and droughts are sending insurance costs through the roof.

“We need deep emissions reductions this decade to protect our family farms. Renewable energy is a key part of that, and should be done fairly so that everyone benefits.

“Transmission companies need to engage early, respectfully and fairly with farmers, and where transmission lines go ahead, farmers and neighbours should be well paid.”

Farmers for Climate Action has previously highlighted problems with the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission, as well as with rules which stop farmers using energy they create on their own farm if the energy is generated on a different land title, and called for incentives for farmers to adopt battery storage to help stabilise the grid.


Farmers for Climate Action is a movement of 8000 farmers calling for strong economy-wide climate policies.

Media contacts:

For more information / interviews contact: Jacqui Street 0498 188 528  /

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