10 February 2020
Farmers for Climate Action call for rural MPs to back Climate Change Act Bill
Farmers for Climate Action is calling for a conscience vote on the Climate Change Act Bill and urging regional MPs to support it.
“This is a sliding doors moment for Australia. We can’t afford to miss this opportunity to end the climate wars and get Australia on the path to being a clean energy superpower and a leader on climate action,” Farmers for Climate Action Deputy Chair, Charlie Prell said.
“Look around and you can see the devastation climate change is already wreaking on regional Australia. Farmers are some of the worst hit. Bushfires, drought, hail storms and extreme floods. How can we farm if this becomes the new normal.
“This bill is about capturing an opportunity. Rising to the challenge of climate change provides a huge opportunity for rural and regional Australia to become the centre of a new economy as we move toward a low carbon future.
“We are calling on the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister to grant a conscience vote and for all regional MPs to accept the science and to back this bill.”