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Farmers for Climate Action
Farmers for Climate Action
February 2019

Your candidates, your choice

The New England by-election is fast approaching and Farmers for Climate Action is committed to assisting our supporters to make informed choices through a non-partisan approach to political engagement.

Over the course of the whirlwind by-election, the New England electorate has demonstrated a strong appetite for renewable energy and climate action, rallying to protect the future of the foodbowl, riding through the streets of Uralla and overwhelmingly demonstrating support for the future of New England as a renewable energy hub. If you missed FCA member Jim McDonald speaking in Tamworth, check it out here!

We know that the New England electorate is keen for a renewable energy transition and climate action. On behalf of our New England supporters, Farmers for Climate Action has reached out to all candidates in the New England by-election to identify their stance on critical issues including climate adaptation, renewable energy and carbon farming.

Find comprehensive candidates responses here.

Please note – Farmers for Climate Action is proudly non-partisan. The inclusion of these responses is in no way an endorsement of any political party or Independent candidate.
For additional information, check out this guide from the Northern Daily Leader.


Authorised by V.Morgan-Schmidt, Farmers for Climate Action, Level 1, 1 Franklin St, Griffith ACT 2603

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