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19 May 2019

Farmers call for incoming Government to act on climate

Farmers for Climate Action is calling on the incoming government to get fair dinkum on climate change.

Farmers for Climate Action CEO Verity Morgan-Schmidt said: “We heard throughout the campaign that the Coalition has a plan to take action on climate change. It’s time they show they’re not just trying to pull the wool over our eyes and start working with communities to deliver meaningful climate solutions.

“Farmers right across the country, from Durack to Gippsland and Mallee to Maranoa made it clear this election climate change was their biggest issue. Signs dotted regional highways and farm utes calling for climate action, hundreds signed open letters, and many more met with local MPs and candidates.

“Many of the electorates expected to be worst hit by climate change are regional seats held by the Coalition. Farmers in these electorates are already facing climate impacts, from drought and water shortages to heatwaves and extreme weather.

“Farming communities urgently need the Coalition to park ideology and work with the sector and incoming Independents to adopt sensible, science-based climate policies that will support farmers to adapt and mitigate as the climate continues to change.”

Queensland Grazier from Longreach, Angus Emmott said: ‘If you grow food, or eat food – climate change is an issue that impacts you. Regardless of your politics, it’s time for all of us to come together to address the challenges we face.

“We desperately need a national strategy on climate change and agriculture which has multi-partisan support and is fully developed, funded and implemented. We’ll be working with elected representatives across the political spectrum to ensure this happens.”


Media contact: Fiona Davis, 0434 505 188, [email protected]

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