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1 October 2020

How Tasmanian graziers can prosper on the track to net-zero emissions

Tassie graziers who want to strengthen their businesses and communities are encouraged to apply for a new Tasmanian Climate-Smart Grazing Fellowship, hosted by Farmers for Climate Action (FCA).

FCA will select 200 leaders, influencers and emerging voices in grazing and allied industries to take part in a free, 12-month extension program on climate-smart grazing and pastures.

Fellowship facilitator Corey Watts said that with rapidly growing awareness of climate risks and widespread support for net-zero emissions by 2050, the time was ripe to help Tasmanian producers help their communities to get there.

“There’s a lot of work still to be done to build agriculture’s path to net zero, but more and more graziers are stepping up to make it happen,” he said.

“We’re looking for 200 people who will change the game – on their own properties, as well as in the wider world.”

Fellows will be taken through climate challenges and solutions for productive pastures and grazing – from planet to paddock – by some of the country’s leading scientists and expert practitioners.

“Over the coming months, fellows will work with experts in climate science, soils and pastures, climate-smart grazing, carbon markets, energy, supply chains, and agroforestry” Mr Watts said.

“Climate change is the biggest, most complex challenge and opportunity facing rural and regional Tasmania.”

“We’ll support the fellows to make better decisions for themselves and their communities.”

“They’ll learn skills in climate communications, networking, community organising, and how to support one another, and they’ll be encouraged to reflect on what they learn.”

Mr Watts said fellows will be expected to actively participate in numerous discussions online and – pandemic depending – meet face-to-face for two days next year.

For successful applicants, the Tasmanian Climate-Smart Grazing Fellowship is free of charge.

They will, however, be strongly encouraged to make change – behind and beyond the farm gate.

The Fellowship and full extension programme is supported by the Tasmanian Government’s Pastures Pathway Small Project Fund.


Corey Watts has worked with agriculture, research organisations, and regional communities on sustainability matters for over 20 years. Mr Watts is policy advisor to Farmers for Climate Action and an Honorary Fellow in Agriculture and Food at the The University of Melbourne.

To interview Mr Watts, contact Lara Nicholson at the Climate Media Centre on 0431 050 768 or [email protected]


Photo credit: Brett Hall

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