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Biodiversity payments legislation is promising for farmers

Friday, 19 November 2021.

Farmers for Climate Action has welcomed news that the Federal Government will legislate so that farmers can sell biodiversity outcomes to willing buyers.

“Farmers have always voluntarily done work which benefited biodiversity, and this initiative is a solid step towards properly recognising that,” said Fiona Davis, CEO of Farmers for Climate Action.

“This is a promising development towards the expansion of the Agricultural Stewardship Package, including the Carbon + Biodiversity Pilot and Enhanced Remnant Vegetation Pilot, to become nation-wide programs backed by legislation.  

“Until now, farmers who do the right thing have not been rewarded at a national scale for the positive externalities created by their efforts.

“Carbon and biodiversity payments will in many cases come from the same on-farm plantings. These payments have the potential to diversify farm earnings and to provide rare drought-time income. 

“Farmers can help re-balance the climate if allowed to do so; particularly if the transport and energy sectors are sent a strong signal to reduce emissions.”


Farmers for Climate Action is a movement of more than 6000 farmers and agricultural leaders working to ensure that farmers, who are on the frontlines of climate change, are part of its solution.

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