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6 December 2023

Water trigger win

  • Farmers for Climate Action welcomes expansion of the water trigger
  • The biggest threats to farmers’ water security are climate change and fossil fuel projects
  • Farmers for Climate Action had called for this and is pleased Government has listened

Farmers for Climate Action says it is a win for farmers that the Federal Government has committed to fast track legislation to expand the so-called water trigger to protect farmers’ water from all gas projects.

Previously, the water trigger had set off further assessments when a coal seam gas project may have affected water, but the trigger had not applied to other types of gas projects such as shale gas.

Farmers for Climate Action CEO, Natalie Collard, said it was great to see the Federal Government moving to protect farmers’ water.

“We need farmers’ water to be protected if we’re to keep farmers farming,” Ms Collard said.

“Farmers for Climate Action had called for the expansion of the water trigger and we’re very pleased the Government has listened.

“We know farmers’ water faces threats from droughts made worse by climate change as well as fossil fuel projects which affect underground water. Access to water is getting more important each year as climate change hurts water availability more and more, and we can’t afford to lose precious water supplies to fossil fuel projects.”


Farmers for Climate Action represents more than 8000 farmers from all farming systems in all parts of Australia.



Media contacts:

Les White 0409 805 122 /

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