6 December 2023
Farmers praise improved nature repair bill without offsets
- The passing of the Nature Repair Bill, with offsets removed, has been welcomed by Farmers for Climate Action
- The Bill paves the way for farmers to make drought-proof income from biodiversity and carbon credits on the same project
- Farmers for Climate Action farmers had opposed their improved biodiversity outcomes being used to offset nature destruction elsewhere
Farmers for Climate Action has welcomed the passing of the Nature Repair Bill, following the removal of the controversial biodiversity offsets part of the legislation.
Farmers for Climate Action, representing more than 8000 farmers across Australia, had almost 500 responses to a farmer survey on the issue. Farmers supported moves to pay producers for biodiversity increases with a credit system that is built on integrity, but opposed the use of these biodiversity increases for offsets. Farmers for Climate Action directly lobbied the Federal Government and is extremely pleased its farmers’ concerns were heard and appropriate changes made.
Farmers for Climate Action CEO Natalie Collard said moves to put money in farmers’ pockets for increasing biodiversity and nature on-farm would always be welcomed by farmers.
“We’re so pleased farmers will be able to make drought-proof income from biodiversity and carbon credits together,” Ms Collard said.
“The Government has listened to farmers regarding the biodiversity offsets issue. Our farmers have been very clear that offsets are not acceptable now and they won’t be at some future date either. The best way to protect nature is to protect it, not bulldoze it and then try to grow something similar somewhere else.
“We understand the two pilot methods created under the former Agriculture Minister – paying farmers to enhance remnant vegetation, and to make biodiverse carbon plantings – will now be rolled out nationally under this Government. So long as these credits are real and are measured, this is a great result.“The integrity of credits is a cornerstone of any scheme to verify and certify biodiversity
improvements. Markets collapse when they lack integrity.
“This is a huge win for farmers, a big win for climate and nature, and a big win for Farmers for Climate Action.”
Tasmanian livestock farmer Marcus James is available for interview:
Owner of Junction Farm near Carrick, Marcus James and his partner participated in the Enhancing Remnant Vegetation Pilot.
“We’ve removed weeds from, fenced off, improved and protected 700 hectares of remnant bush including planting 90,000 trees. We planted 30 species of seedlings, plus some grasses, after extensive weed removal, and infilled gaps in the bush with plantings. We’ll manage and protect that land into the future,” Mr James said.
“This has enabled us to supercharge our efforts to protect the natural capital on our farm and bring forward the benefits that it provides. This project benefits us and the natural capital entrusted to us.”
Media contact: media@farmersforclimateaction.org.au