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Thursday, 11 April, 2024

  • 82 per cent of 6700 Australians surveyed said they’d live near renewable energy generation
  • Top priority for the energy shift: Affordability (41 per cent), reducing climate pollution (26%) and energy independence for Australia (18 per cent)
  • Dyer recommendations must be implemented urgently

Farmers for Climate Action CEO Natalie Collard has welcomed the positive results from CSIRO’s renewable energy survey and called for the Dyer Review recommendations into renewable energy in regional Australia to be delivered ASAP.

“It’s great to see 82 per cent of Australians say they’d live near renewable energy generation,” Ms Collard said.

“Among residents in regional cities and rural towns, some 83 per cent said they’d approve of, tolerate, be ok with or embrace renewable energy generation – a great result. Some 77 per cent said they’d live near transmission lines.

“Some 67 per cent of those living on rural properties outside of rural towns said they’d approve of, tolerate, be ok with or embrace living near renewable energy generation. Whilst 67 per cent is a strong majority, we continue to say there are valid concerns and questions being raised by regional communities which need to be addressed urgently and fairly.

“We urge the Government to invest the time and energy to answer these questions, and to deal with what are mostly very solvable issues. We call for the Government to implement all recommendations of Energy Infrastructure Commissioner Andrew Dyer’s Review into renewable energy in the regions, as it has promised, ASAP. The Model Code of Conduct for renewable energy developers is a key priority.

“Asked their first priority for the energy shift, 41 per cent of people said more affordable energy, 26 per cent said reducing Australia’s carbon pollution and 18 per cent said increasing Australia’s energy independence. Just 8 per cent said minimising power outages.

“With farmers now being offered $49,000 per turbine per year by wind companies whilst still able to run sheep and cattle, and solar companies offering a whopping $1500 per hectare per year rent whilst still allowing sheep to graze under the panels, farmers can lock in so much drought-proof income from the shift.

“The energy shift is a once-in-a-generation chance to keep our brightest kids in the bush by offering interesting, well paid, long term careers. It’s an opportunity we can’t afford to miss.”

From the CSIRO report:

Most Australians do not have overly positive nor negative feelings associated with their attitude towards this infrastructure, including those who would tolerate it. At this stage of the energy transition, many Australians hold generally moderate attitudes towards and moderate feelings about living near renewable energy infrastructure. This suggests a broad willingness to support, or at least tolerate, the development of solar farms, onshore and offshore windfarms, and transmission infrastructure.”

Media contacts:

Media contact: Les White 0409 805 122

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