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A good start – Farmers for Climate Action responds to the National Farmers Federation’s new carbon neutral policy media releasenewspolicies

A good start – Farmers for Climate Action responds to the National Farmers Federation’s new carbon neutral policy

20 August 2020 A good start - Farmers for Climate Action responds to the National Farmers Federation’s new carbon neutral policy Farmers for Climate Action commends the National Farmers Federation on backing a carbon neutral Australian economy by 2050. Farmers…
August 20, 2020
Sam McCardel climate smartfarmer in focus

Sam McCardel

At a glance Who: Sam McCardel, Climate Smart Masterclass participant in 2018 What: Small Sheep, Cattle and Cropping enterprise of 426 Acres with diverse other income streams. Solar powered. Pig manure soil improvement program. Seeking to establish a bush retreat…
August 6, 2020