Sign the open letter calling on candidates in the Victorian election
to support stronger climate action.

The Victorian election is coming up on November 26, and we have a chance to push all parties to join a race to the top on climate.

The climate impacts of the past few years have shown us that more than ever we need urgent climate action now. From the terrible black summer bushfires to the current floods, climate impacts are being felt everyday by farmers right across the state and we need all candidates to commit to upping their climate ambition. Will you sign the open letter today?

Dear Victorian candidates running in the 2022 state election,

The climate impacts of the past 12 months have shown us that more than ever we need urgent climate action now. From the terrible Black Summer bushfires to the current floods, climate impacts are being felt everyday by farmers right across the state and we need all candidates to commit to upping their climate ambition.

Victoria has made inroads on climate, but more is needed. Already, the state’s climate policy is driving investment and jobs to regional Victoria, as well as providing opportunities for farmers to diversify their income. We need to do more to meet our international commitments and realise the benefits of moving to a low carbon economy. 

Farmers are key to Australia’s climate solutions, from clean energy development to carbon abatement. These will drive new jobs and investments in our communities and regions. We can’t afford to delay.

We call on all candidates to adopt the following four priorities:

  • Commit to no new gas, including coal seam gas, developments in Victoria.
  • Commit to powering Victoria by 100% renewable energy by 2035.
  • Support for farmers and communities who will host transmission lines as part of the renewable build-out, including ongoing yearly ‘rent’ paid for impacted farmers.
  • A farm battery subsidy to make battery purchases viable for farms; making them more secure and independent and taking pressure off transmission infrastructure.

We have the most to lose by not acting on climate change, but also the most to gain from building out the low carbon economy. We are looking to you, our political leaders, to work with us on climate solutions that work for farmers and regional communities.

Farmers across Victoria are depending on you.


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