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Thursday, 30 May, 2024

Farmers for Climate Action, representing more than 8200 farmers across Australia, has welcomed news China will re-open trade with five major Australian beef exporters.

CEO Natalie Collard said Australian farming relies on trade.

“We’re a nation of 26 million people, and our farmers grow enough food for more than 70 million people, so trade is vital to Australia and its farmers,” Ms Collard said.

“The resumption of trade for these major exporters is great news for the beef industry, as were the previous announcements when other commodity exporters had their trade bans to China lifted.

“There is more to do as there are still another two exporters still waiting to have their bans lifted. We acknowledge this has been a great team effort by the meat industry and the Government.”

Media contacts:

Les White 0409 805 122 [email protected]

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