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25 October 2022

Farmers welcome investment in climate and agriculture

Farmers for Climate Action, an organisation representing more than 7000 farmers across Australia, has welcomed many initiatives in the Federal Budget announced tonight.

Farmers for Climate Action CEO Fiona Davis said the budget delivered many investments across climate, agriculture, emissions reduction and rural Australia.

“The budget delivers big investments in regional renewable energy, something Farmers for Climate Action had called for just weeks ago in our Farm Powered report about renewables in the regions,” Dr Davis said.

“It also delivers funding for emissions reductions in Australian agriculture and other funding direct to farmers.

“We’re pleased with the $20 billion in low cost finance delivered in Rewiring the Nation. This will assist with transmission to connect the big renewables projects we know will put downward pressure on energy prices.

“We’re particularly pleased with the $302 million over five years to support the agricultural sector further develop sustainable farming and land management.

“The $224.3 million over four years for 400 community batteries across Australia will help take pressure off the grid, and we know storage will be key to delivering reliable, affordable clean energy.

“Farmers for Climate Action has directly called for investment in helping farmers reduce emissions and more investment into asparagopsis, and the $8 million in asparagopsis commercialisation is welcome.

“We are also pleased to see the $20 million investment to establish an outreach program to help Australian farmers and land managers to participate in carbon markets and integrate low emission technologies and practices.

“The $1.9 billion Powering the Regions Fund to assist industries, regional Australia and communities with the shift to net zero emissions is very welcome and we look forward to working with the government on this.

“The $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund investment names agriculture as one of seven priorities and we look forward to seeing the detail of that investment.

“We welcome the $20.8 million over two years from 2022–23 to support Australia’s readiness to respond to drought events, which are of course driven by climate change.”

Other noteworthy investments include:

  • $146 million over five years for ARENA to co-invest in projects to reduce road transport emissions
  • $89.5 million over 6 years from 2022–23 to fund hydrogen refueling stations on key freight routes,
  • $39.8 million over 5 years from 2022–23 to establish a National Electric Vehicle Charging Network to deliver 117 fast charging stations

Farmers for Climate Action does not support taxpayer investments in new coal and gas developments, which drive climate change.

Farmers for Climate Action is a movement of 7000 farmers calling for strong economy-wide climate policies.

Media contacts:

For interviews contact:

Tuesday: Jacqui Street 0498 188 528 /

Wednesday: Emily Watkins 0420 622 408 /

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